Specialized Coaching
I coach and inspire people to communicate better, connect deeper, and grow to dream bigger through the power of relationships and soul care.
Free Session (30 Minutes)
During your free coaching session, you will:
• Get to know your coach (and vice versa)
• Learn how coaching works
• Experience how we would work together
Zero commitment! There is no obligation and you're bound to enjoy it.
Free session is available via online video conferencing or phone.
Initial Coaching Session (120 minutes)
Our Initial Strategy Session will be up to two hours depending on your needs. Together we can clarify your objectives for coaching and identify which package is best for you. Every package outlined below is designed to deliver lasting, transformational change and will be tailored specifically to your goals and learning style for maximum impact.
Student/Young Adult Coaching
$300/6 sessions
Specifically designed for students and/or young adults (those under the age of 30). Includes 6 sessions over 3 months once the Coaching Agreement is signed. Package includes:
6 x 50-minute 1:1 sessions
Unlimited email contact (within the 3 months)
Monthly goal-setting
Weekly accountability check-in
Packages are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Basic Transformational Coaching
$325/4 sessions
Includes 4 sessions over 1 month once the Coaching Agreement is signed. Package includes:
4 x 50-minute 1:1 sessions
Unlimited email contact
Monthly goal-setting
Weekly accountability check-in
Packages are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Basic Transformational Coaching
$900/12 sessions
Includes 12 sessions over 3 months once the Coaching Agreement is signed. Package includes:
12 x 50-minute 1:1 sessions
Unlimited email contact
Monthly goal-setting
Weekly accountability check-in
Packages are non-refundable and non-transferable.
"I AM”
Identity and Positive Choice Program
$1750/16 sessions
This unique personalized one-on-one approach will hand you the keys to harness the power of internal self control and self identity as you:
Discover your personal foundational identity, personality profile and self purpose
Discover your calling and purpose in life
Become empowered to meet and overcome all of life’s challenges
Discovering the life path that leads to success
Enhanced communication skills
Transformational learning and empowered living
Decision-making, goal setting, and time management
Help Others
Includes 16 sessions once the Coaching Agreement is signed. Package includes:
16 x 50-minute 1:1 sessions
Unlimited email contact (within the 16 weeks)
Materials and Communication Style Evaluation ($125 Value)
Monthly goal-setting
Weekly accountability check-in
Packages are non-refundable and non-transferable.